Dashboard redesign: Improving Efficiency and Reliability for Warehouse Managers

Dashboard redesign: Improving Efficiency and Reliability for Warehouse Managers

Dashboard redesign: Improving Efficiency and Reliability for Warehouse Managers

Dashboard redesign: Improving Efficiency and Reliability for Warehouse Managers




Senior UX Designer




3 months




Senior UX Designer




3 months




Senior UX Designer




3 months




Senior UX Designer




3 months


ShipHero is a Warehouse Management Software that offers features for tracking and managing inventory, shipping, fulfillment, and more. It has pricing plans for different business models and sizes. The ShipHero Mobile app is designed for ease of use, allowing for remote inventory management and order shipping.


The critical role of the ShipHero Dashboard in the fulfillment process is to enable warehouse managers to create a daily plan for employees by analyzing orders and inventory. However, with User research, we found the current dashboard to be time-consuming and unreliable.


The goal of this project was to redesign the ShipHero Dashboard's information architecture and visualization, empowering warehouse managers to make informed decisions for efficient and fast order fulfillment, saving them valuable time, and ensuring reliable data.

UX Design Process

This is an iterative process that creates efficiency and set a map from problem definition to solution.

01. Discovery

In the discovery phase, we conducted user research and interviews with warehouse managers to understand their current challenges and pain points in using the ShipHero Dashboard. Through this research, we found that analyzing the information on the dashboard was time-consuming, and the data wasn't always reliable. We also discovered that the visualized data was not helping the managers understand what needed to be done to get orders out efficiently and quickly.

Some interview notes with Warehouse managers

The current Dashboard UI makes analyzing high-volume data (+1000 daily orders) challenging, requiring a lot of time and repetitive steps to filter and organize data.

02. Define

Based on the findings from the discovery phase; the project goal was defined as improving the visualized data on the dashboard and helping managers understand what needs to be done to get orders out efficiently and quickly. The project objectives included making the data more reliable and reducing the time required to analyze it.

User needs

  • To be able to effectively track and manage inventory, shipping, fulfillment and more

  • To have a tool that is efficient and reliable for creating daily plans for employees

  • To have a solution that saves time and provides accurate information

User goals

  • To have a dashboard that is easy to use and provides relevant information

  • To have a solution that allows for informed decision making

  • To achieve efficient and fast order fulfillment

  • To have a tool that can be used from anywhere.


How might we redesign the ShipHero Dashboard to empower warehouse managers to make informed decisions for efficient and fast order fulfillment, saving valuable time and ensuring reliable data?

03. Design

In the design phase, we developed several design solutions from sketch to high fidelity prototypes to improve the visualized data on the dashboard and help managers understand what needed to be done. These solutions included revising the information architecture, improving the data visualization, and making the data more reliable. Previous interviews helped us to ideate new ways to visualize and summarize data. The design was iteratively tested and refined through multiple rounds of user testing.

Brainstorming ideas in collaboration with warehouse managers and customer success with sketches to land solutions.

Moving on to wireframes to define layout and content hierarchy.

Some early proposals that we quickly tested with warehouse managers. This was an iterative process where we keep refining the dashboard with every round of feedback.

04. Validate

After numerous rounds of user testing, we validated the final design solution with warehouse managers to ensure that the revised dashboard met the needs and improved their workflow. We also validated with the product & dev team to ensure the project's feasibility.
The testing results showed that the revised dashboard was easier to use, more reliable, and helped managers understand what needed to be done to get orders out efficiently and quickly.

Some early proposals that we quickly tested with warehouse managers. This was an iterative process where we keep refining the dashboard with every round of feedback.

05. Deliver

We handed over the final design solution to the product team with a phased implementation plan. The first version was presented as the minimum viable solution that met the project goal's needs, allowing the engineers to start quickly and deliver promptly, with the final solution to follow. The project successfully reduced the time required to analyze the information and made the data more reliable, allowing the warehouse managers to focus on other tasks.

What I delivered

  • Handover of final design solution

  • High fidelity prototype

  • Design specification of each new component

  • Phased implementation plan

  • Design recommendations for pending widgets

Testimonials from warehouse managers

“The new ShipHero Dashboard will transform the way we manage our fulfillment process. The redesigned information architecture and visualization will make it much easier for us to analyze orders and inventory.”

“I have to say, the redesign of the ShipHero Dashboard has exceeded our expectations. It’s so nice that we can see what we need to do with just a couple of clicks.”

“Having these quick actions that let you know how many orders we can bulk ship or SIBP it’s a game-changer. Our decision-making process has become much more efficient and we can get orders out faster than ever before.”

Let’s team up and ship faster

A few more
about me




years of experience




Design Sprint Workshops

Business vertical experience











Tech stack

Schedule a call or feel free to hit me up on Twitter too.

Raul Aguilar | 2024

Guadalajara, JAL, MX